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NFT Masterclass Access to Replay

NFT Masterclass

Here’s how my journey to creating an NFT Masterclass started.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally submitted my MSc dissertation. It was one of the most challenging tasks I’d taken on recently, combining full-time work with a full-time 1 year MSc program. The silver lining is an opportunity to learn more about NFTs and Web3.
A few days earlier, I left work at 12:15 am, having not slept properly for days. I chatted with Idara that if I don’t feel confident driving, I’ll take a taxi. God drove me home. I couldn’t remember much about the journey except for a time when the lights from an oncoming vehicle disorientated me. I stopped in the middle of the road!

My dissertation was focused on researching blockchain adoption by food and beverage companies operating in West Africa. I interviewed executives from the top blockchain service providers in the world including IBM, IOTA and Hedera. 
This was my entry into Web3, NFTs and the Metaverse. I shared this to let you know that I’m speaking from the academic and practical knowledge of Web3 and NFTs.
I’ll admit that the NFT craze’ of the past year was something else. It was full of scams and rug pulls, didn’t make sense and many people lost a lot of money. 

Guess what? We’ve seen this before…. The Internet. 

The fact that there’s a lot of internet and wire fraud does not make the internet useless. It powers our lives now, and blockchain is likely to do the same. 
After the bull run of NFTs in the past year with hype, scams, and the typical exploitation of an emerging tech opportunity, a new dawn is emerging.
If you haven’t been paying attention to Web3 adoption, now is a good time to start. 

Here are recent important developments. 

  • Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp is creating an NFT marketplace on Instagram – Read more
  • The success of Reddit’s digital collectibles shows what mass adoption could look like – Read more
  • Blockchain will now power Starbucks Odyssey – The company’s loyalty program with NFTs – Read more
  • Apple updated its terms of service to support NFTs. – Read more
  • JP Morgan (yes the big financial company) used a public blockchain to trade tokenised assets – Read more
  • Mercedes Benz launched an enterprise blockchain platform called Acentrik –  Read more

These are positive signals and they are worth paying attention to.
Is all of this confusing? Or are you thinking – I don’t even know how to use Tiktok, I don’t have money to do a Master’s program, let alone start learning about blockchain and NFTs.. blah blah blah? Thank you, and no, thank you. 
Let’s slow down, shall we? 

What if there’s a way for you to learn slowly and passively? The right information will come to you effortlessly like checking your WhatsApp messages. If you have a question or want to know more, ask. 

 How does that sound? 

A few months ago, I hosted a 2hr NFT Masterclass and created a private WhatsApp group. Attendees paid N25,000 ($50). I’m giving you access to the replay and a chance to join the private WhatsApp. Just pay any amount you like.

The minimum price is $1 (for the automation to work), but you’ll ultimately decide how much you want to pay for it.

Click here for the details. 

There’s an empty box, put your amount, checkout, and get your login details to access the Masterclass.  There is also an option to pay in your local currency. 

I see this new global shift and I don’t want you to miss out!

Start for ‘almost free’ without confusion. You’ll be passively learning without stress and without missing out on important info that will put you ahead of the rest of the world. 

This is your Black Friday Sale and it has come early!

Pay anything you want for the NFT Masterclass and get an invite to the private WhatsApp Group

You’ll see a sample video, and the accompanying PDF resource on this page, giving you an idea of what to expect.

PS: I am pretty bad with using WhatsApp, so be rest assured that there will be no endless pings. Only useful information as they become available. 

PPS: Some people in the WhatsApp group got free NFTs, and some got access to communities and NFTs acquired by Randi Zuckerberg, Mark Zuckerberg’s sister. 

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