For Individuals

Passionless Book by Ibukun Onitiju

Get a copy of my new book

For early and mid-career professionals

The PASSIONLESS book is the bridge between where you are right now and where you want to be in your career. 

It is a framework that will help you discover the unpopular but effective strategies within your control to succeed in your career consistently, irrespective of location, industry, job title or years of experience, especially if you have not found your passion.

Passionless Career Coaching Program (PCCP)

The Passionless Career Coaching Program (PCCP) is designed for career professionals with 4 to 12 years of work experience but little to no passion for their job or career path and struggling to get promoted or earn what they are really worth?

It is a personalised 4 week program with weekly 1hr one-on-one coaching calls. The program is open only to a few people per time. Click the link below to get more details and join the waiting list. 

