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The Lion and the field mouse – Confidence Series [Part 2]

Confidence Series

Welcome to Part 2 of the Confidence Series. #ConfidenceSeries

A lion is fully capable of capturing, killing, and eating a field mouse. But it turns out that the energy required to do so exceeds the caloric content of the mouse itself. So a lion that spent its day hunting and eating field mice would slowly starve to death. A lion can’t live on field mice. A lion needs antelope. Antelope are big animals. They take more speed and strength to capture and kill, and once killed, they provide a feast for the lion and her pride. … So ask yourself at the end of the day, ‘Did I spend today chasing mice or hunting antelope?'” –

Newt Gingrich

I don’t know about you, but many years ago, my answer was clear. I was chasing mice. It wasn’t even field mice, it was house mice. 

Build Confidence

In Part 1 (read it here), I shared that the No 1 Tip to build confidence is to build competence. 

But competence is not enough. There is ‘something’ that makes competence USELESS and SUCKS confidence out of you.⁣⁣

Competence means you have the knowledge, skill and desire to get things done. 

When this ‘something’ (confidence killer) shows up, you’d find yourself:

  • hiding your knowledge (even in some cases playing dumb), 
  • lying about your skills (that you are not good enough) and
  • killing your desire (that you are not interested)

Once you convince yourself of all these 3 false truths, your confidence takes a hit. It is even worse because you are now competent but still lack confidence, and that is devastating. 

A year after I decided that I’d build my competence and ‘try my best to be the best‘, it became real. My college results that first year in London were outstanding. In fact the college authorities invited me to give a newspaper interview about the learning, results obtained, future plans and plans for the full A-levels. 

One of the biggest days of my life came, and it was the day I decided not to show up in school. 

I missed that opportunity, I gave no explanation and I felt the frustration of working so hard and still self-sabotage. 



You know you are good (maybe even better than most people)

You know you can do it (because you have been practicing secretly)

You know you are the lion competent to kill antelopes (but you’d rather be chasing mice and embrace starving to death). 

Some say FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. In some cases, it is not false. I had reasons to be afraid, to be very afraid. 

I don’t try to get rid of fear. My tummy still runs and I still sweat when I have to give presentations or stand in front of people to talk. 

But I do it… while still afraid. 

Fear wants you to hide, wants to make your competence useless and wants to suck confidence out of you, but you need to show up!

According to and the research done by Earl Miller, since our brains only can consciously focus on one thing at a time, once you are in the act of doing, your fear fades away. Therefore, taking action reduces conscious fear.

Tip 2 – Do It Afraid

Let’s have a conversation. What have you done afraid recently? Share in the comments.

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